Keynote: Ready, Ready, Set, FAIL! Using Failure and Risk-taking to Unlock Creativity and Innovation 
Date & Time
Friday, January 20, 2023, 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Carl Hooker

Keynote: Ready, Ready, Set, FAIL! Using Failure and Risk-taking to Unlock Creativity and Innovation 

Our schools have traditionally existed to teach students conformity and compliance. Carl Hooker’s keynote explores how we can create a space where students create innovative ideas to solve the problems of tomorrow? Risk-taking and embracing failure can be great ways to stimulate creativity in the classroom. During this very interactive session based on the best selling book Ready, Set, FAIL!, we’ll discuss the science behind failure and the roadblocks to creativity. After all, It’s not how you fall down, it’s how you get back up!